How do I connect my mobile printer to my handheld device?


Last Update hace 2 años

Press the Touch Scan button, at the bottom of the page, then select set printer.

Turn on your printer and flip it over on its back and locate the Bluetooth bar code.

Scan that code with your RFID reader and select pair. You are now setup! It’s that easy.

 Please note if you turn off your printer the reader with continue to search for this printer and will cause screen lag. To fix this issue press’s the touch scan button, at the bottom select printer then in the bottom right corner press clear printer. Your printer has not been removed from this device. 

If you are pairing the printer to the device for the first time you need to put the printer into Bluetooth pairing mode. To do this hold down the paper advance button on the printer (looks like a piece of paper) until you see the Bluetooth symbol flash on the screen. Then follow the steps above and the scanner will ask for a pairing code which you will find on the printer screen. 

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